It has been waaay too long since I've posted! I've been actively crafting, but just haven't had time to upload and post, for which I apologize. I wanted to post the craft I did last Wednesday on last Thursday evening, but then
H proposed to me so I was a little busy that evening :) I crafted this week too, but this is finally the first day I've had to post it! So here it goes: last week's craft!
Pennants are very "in" this year in the crafting world, and I've wanted to do something pennant-y lately, but wasn't sure what to do. I had some burlap and some orange quilt squares, and I've been in a full-blown Fall mood lately, so I decided to put the two together.
Voila! Pumpkin Pennant!
Okay, so first gather your materials:
4" x 4" fabric squares (I did my all different prints, but you can do them all the same if you like)
Pumpkin pennant pattern (I provided the link to the pattern at the bottom of this post)
Brown acrylic or fabric paint
Paint brush
Letter stencils
New-Sew iron-on fabric adhesive
Iron and ironing board (not pictured)
Bobby pin (not pictured)
First, figure out what your banner will say. I chose "happy harvest" which has 12 letters, so I cut out 12 pumpkins. Make sure they are small enough for each one to fit in your pennant shape.
Next, use your pennant pattern to cut out 12 pennants. This pattern allows for room to fold over a hem at the top, but you can resize it if you want larger pennants. As it is, these pennant pieces are about 3 inches tall when finished.
Next, I laid out each pennant piece and figured out how my pumpkins would lay on them. I didn't want 2 patterns next to each other in a row, so I made sure that showed in my layout.
Next, I cut pieces of the No-Sew and laid it out on the back of each pumpkin.
Side note: I love no sew. Seriously. If I could No-Sew an entire wardrobe, I would never purchase a sewing machine. Ever. Make sure you get a little piece for the stem, because that will come up easily if you don't.
Next, iron each pumpkin onto each pennant piece. Make sure to follow the directions on the No-Sew so you put your iron on the right setting.
I also folded down the hem flap at the top of each pennant piece (so that it folds over the back, not the front by the pumpkin) because this will make creating the hem loop easier.
Once I had ironed on all the pumpkins and ironed the hem on each one, I ironed my hem down. This was tricky. You have to cut the No-Sew thin so that it only hems at the bottom of the flap. You're creating a loop to thread the twine through so they can hang.
Iron your hem. Yay No-Sew!
So now that I had them all hemmed, I laid them out again in the order that I want to hang them.
Stencil time! I got out the handy-dandy paint and put one letter of each word on each pumpkin. Do you know how hard it is to take a pic and stencil at the same time? I just make it look easy ;)
Okay, so now the hard part--how to thread the twine through the burlap. I don't have good needles, so I had to get creative. Hence the bobby pin. I tied one end of the twine to the bobby pin and used that to thread it through the hem I created with the folded/No-Sewed flap.
I learned quickly: thread the last letter first. I started with the first letter and about 3 letters in realized my mistake. So thread it backwards :)
Here it is all laid out after being threaded.
I played around with the spacing and decided that 2 different banners would be best. Right now, they are just tacked up above the TV, and I need to figure out how to make the ends look pretty. Any ideas?
So there ya go! Make your own pennant! It's a little bit longer of a project; took me the better part of an hour and a half, but I think it's worth it. It's a nice addition, and can be left up all Fall since it's not specific to Halloween or Thanksgiving. But you can make yours say anything you like!!
Breakdown time:
Burlap: $0.75 ($2.99/yard)
Orange quilt squares: $4 on ebay
No-Sew: I had this (because I don't ever
not have it!)
Paint: Had it
Stencil: $1.99 (but it's reusable!)
Twine: Had it
Total cost of this project: $6.74
But it would have cost upwards of $10 had I bought it at the store already made :)
Download the pennant template here
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