First, I turn 25 this year. I'm a quarter of a century old. Oddly, I like the feeling. This is the first year that I truly feel like an adult. I'm in my mid-twenties, I'm finishing up my first year in my career, and I'm getting married (well, okay, that's not till the end of the year technically). It's a good feeling, this whole stepping into adulthood and the big-kid phase of my life. But I feel like my 25th year is going to be a good one!
Memorial Day Weekend is going to be different for me this year. Normally, I go home to my parents' house for a cookout and bonfire and maybe some swimming, but this will be the first year I don't. H and I will be going that long weekend to go to Kalahari Resort in Sandusky. It's a huge indoor resort with a waterpark, spa, arcade, great restaurants, and African-themed rooms! It looks amazing, and we got a great deal--we've been saving since February for this, and I can't wait to go! It's going to be weird not going home, but it will be nice to have a little vacation somewhere fun, just us. We've never really done anything like this, and since he'll be in the Army next summer there's a 99.9% chance we won't get to do it next year, so we figure now's the time.
I get the "pleasure" of chaperoning prom this year, which is something new. It should be fun, and a great way to end out the year. The theme is "A Night in Paris" and we've ordered some really fun decorations. The kids are getting excited and already talking about their dresses and dates. The only reason I say "pleasure" like that is because when you're dealing with inner-city kids, most of your chaperoning at dances involves breaking up the overly-personal dancing these kids are doing. But it will be a fun end to the school year, and the kids are really excited so hopefully it will be fun.
And I'm sending up a million prayers that May will bring a second interview for a teaching job, or even a job offer!! I'm sending out applications weekly, jumping at every chance I find for an open position, and I'm waiting patiently to see what God sends my way for next year. Hopefully it involves advising a theater club or getting involved in another student organization. Whatever it is, I pray that it will be exactly what I need!
May is going to be a good month. As soon as all of this rain goes away...